Why Trying to 'Be Somebody' is Actually Killing You.


By James Stellar

If someone were asked if they're a cold-hearted or warm-hearted person, most individuals would immediately answer that they're warm-hearted absolutely to the max and hopefully that is very much so. Yet the planet is filled with individuals that find it extremely difficult to be in their heart with the authentic vibration of love and compassion for themselves, let alone others, on a moment by moment basis or even a daily one.
That sounds like an immense and very strange tragedy - why is this?

Unfortunately, the vibration of competitive perfection - an analytic virus - impacts billions of individuals in seeking this notion of something external and hierarchical with an apex to be attained to determine their value and self-worth greater than others. In essence, it's a deadly virus to turn you against yourself with the notion that you should be something else in order to be seen as superior to others.

What is this externalized identity addiction?

Billions of people seeking something away from their Heart Core, in a continual externalized frenzy of prove it, performance, pretending and punishing directives colliding within them through every moment of time.

 It is a terrible war - a heartless war - that's waged every single second, every single minute, every single hour, through every single day - fighting against yourself to prove to others that you have value and that you have worth! That you're - “ok!" and that you're doing better than "they" are.

How insidiously insane is this - to have to prove to someone else that you have a value and worth for existing?!

It's quite an insanity that you're not enough just as you are and must pretend to be someone else. What illness is this to think you're absolutely not good enough just being you? That who you are is based on external identities that you must compete to prove?

Yes - this is insanity! And yes this insanity exists around the world. It's a war waged against yourself each and every second of the day that you are not enough and yes, it is a war waged by millions against themselves and against their hearts. It is a war on everyone and a war against everyone.

Perfect Competition

Perfect competition as a competitive virus controls millions or should I say billions of individuals in a paradigm of non-growth called “perfection." "Perfection" is the apex of control that in essence promises the alleviation of any judgments against you. Essentially this illusion of being "perfect" supposedly releases you from the judgments already killing you. It is in essence the "perfect" control loop!
Yes, this mindset of perfection is a perfection of killing yourself for the approval of others. Your life squeezed shut by external controls killing you from the truth of who you really are or what you want to do, creating fear upon fear, immense disbelief, doubt, confusion, nervousness, anxiety, insecurity, blame, hate, rage, addiction, outbursting and violence including murder and suicide.
Always looking over your shoulder for approval and terrified of judgment.
Living life but being squeezed to death - by thinking you have no inherent value for existing! It's life lived through a fear that you're "not good enough!"
Think about this for a moment. That you're not good enough for existing?!
Good enough?! For what?!


What an insidiously crazed analytic thought to think that someone isn't good enough at something! And has no value or worth in their - Humanness. All this indicates is an absolutely most corrupted and callous sequence of mindsets with no compassion for self extending to others in the Humanness of life experience. That we are all in this together - in this journey of - Human Experiences.

The Human Experience is a priceless journey of Spiritual Insight if understood that your identity is an Internal Belief for Growth.

Just think, the fear of "not being good enough" of not receiving approval and acceptance means that life is lived through a control of overwhelming - fear.

Fear promoting a constant anxiety of illusions called lack, limitation, shortcoming, failure, defect and weakness, so that the vibration of need, want, worry, criticism and untold anxieties are always controlling you moment by moment. The fear of always needing something else and that no one else is ever good enough! It is a huge planetary virus of killing life. Deadly illusions - absolutely all of them promoting that you are missing something out there and killing the inner you for it!

Gratitude, love, compassion, kindness, which should be primary inner vibrations, are all lost by believing in the illusion of an incessant anxiety and worry over "lacking" externals. This is truly a control game on inner belief because of the externalized fear of others' judgments that you're not enough for simply existing and because of you continuing this control by judging that others are not enough.

This is sheer insanity and an immense planetary control!

Why You're Stuck

You cannot easily CHANGE or GROW in the virus of perfection, as you're molding yourself to externalized visions of who you "should be" rather than how you want to be in the moment.

You are closing down your mind and closing down your heart from living life in the moment to being something other than you - somewhere and someday to impress others.
What an absolutely strange perception! What a strange conundrum this entire control loop of needing something externally to be of value to prove to others you have value. Being stuck in a competitive prove it, endlessly seeking approval and acceptance from anywhere and anyone and judging others seeking the same thing.
The loss of Heart Love for yourself - means that others are ultimately viewed in the same loss of Heart Love!
All of this promotes an immense fear based on illusions that this externalized belief cannot withstand the truth. Resistance, reaction, negativity, blame and conflict all escalated towards yourself and towards others, while looking for approval from these very same others, while denying you're doing any of this. Instant insanity!
Unfortunately, this mindset of perfection grows a competitive fear reaction to anything that doesn't fit a very narrow window of constraint. A fear-based mind is closed down with judgment upon judgment. Disbelief, isolation, anxiety, resistance, reaction, blame, rage, selfishness, dislike, addiction, racism, chauvinism, bigotry, discrimination, hate, killing, war, desolation and death.
ALL of this is a sickness of the "perfect competitor" sitting in judgment. Judgment of self dispensed outwards to judging others. Perfect competition. Learning to despise yourself and to despise others. All of this is a terrible war on our Humanness as Spirit creating through form. In this insane war we absolutely lose our human kindness towards ourselves and others.
Yes, at one moment the planet was seen as flat as a pancake. Now with the most recent scientific discoveries there is new understanding and evidence of universe upon universe stacked one upon the other extending into infinity. Visions of Truth reveal how minuscule our galaxy and tiny planet are - and we are - in the scheme of this universe alone; and, we as a species have trouble seeing beyond this alien virus of judgment in - "perfect competition.”

Being Somebody in a Prove It 

The virus of perfection promotes the competitive personality - "of being somebody" to shutting down on the heart moments of life for an externalized "prove it" for others.
"I'm ok because of my looks, my wealth, my achievement, my whereabouts, my whatever that is externalized to - prove to you - "I'm ok! And oh, by the way - I'm better than you!"
This "perfect competitor" with the externalized perspective unfortunately forms controls of agenda after agenda to prove their worth for approval and acceptance. For this person in the malaise of life mindset based on winning and losing, there is an immensity of hopeless judgments growing within and creating a life devaluing the spiritual self. The result is immense insecurity, with their entire being controlled by an anxiety of overwhelming fear. The one constant is the spiraling vision of this worldview simply turned around to be all about the self as - competitor.
It may seem amusing, but so many competitive individuals are unable to see anything about the world unless it's made in a completely personalized vision. Everything is only about themselves! "Me, me, me, me, me, me, ME!" Everyone and everything made as a personal blame and affront, or ally of the moment to sustain and promote this fearful personality. "ME! ONLY ME!!!"

The competitively perfect vision of life eschewed to be only about one person. One person consumed by fear - living life by creating agenda after agenda - to “survive." This truly is the insanity of a "Personality of Fear.” It is a planetary insanity!

Social Media: The Crazed Search for Acceptance

Seeking approval for acceptance makes the competitive individual very cold-hearted and lost from the validation of the Loving Heart. Imagine all across the planet, individuals going against themselves, going against their Heart, absolutely fearful of others to prove to these others they have worth and fighting everyone else with the same fears. "Feel my pain!" is the chorus shouted over an over.
What a crazed search for Acceptance -
"I'm ok aren't I? I'm ok now aren't I? I'm still ok now?"
"Am I ok now?"
"And now am I ok?"
"How about now, am I ok now?"
"I'm still ok aren't I?"
"Please tell me I'm ok?"
On and on and on it goes never-ending. Always looking externally for “acceptance."
Now with a plethora of electronic communication systems this bid for seeking approval out of the internal fear of not being enough has exploded into a huge cloud of competitive “need." Posing, pretending, performing, showing off fills the screens -
"I'm ok aren't I? Am I still ok?"
"Please let me know I'm ok?!"
"Please click ok if you think I'm ok!"
"Over here! You there, come and stand next to ME! My left side! Yes, that's it! No over here. Ok! Ooooooh! Yes, that's better! Ok! I'm looking ok! I'm looking ok?"
"I'm ok!"
"I'm ok?"
Feeding this need by searching for approval and acceptance every single moment of the day as the motivation of life is quite a statement after all. Terrified beyond any belief in yourself in this externalized search for approval is an ongoing internal conflict of life. Essentially it's an ongoing - "mental dilemma.”

The Authentic

In this personalizing conflictive vision of the world as an experience of life, you are in essence always choosing between a competitively reactive performance aimed at others or at being vulnerable in the revealing of the authentic. This truly is a mental dilemma between performing against yourself or truly revealing yourself - authentically.
The Cosmic Joke is the fearful personality saying they're not fearful! To be authentic and reveal you’re scared is indeed - "ok!" It connects everyone in their - Humanness - authentic and vulnerable, which truly is the connection of compassion and love.
The "Fear of Being Seen" is a planetary epidemic that quite confusingly goes against the experience of "Being Human" in order to "Be Seen!”
Judgment upon judgment exploding in the analytic mind in continual mental conflict. A control loop of dilemma in this fight against yourself in the search for a conformity of acceptance that places an unavoidable fear against being - authentic and vulnerable. This is ALL quite the indictment of the mental dilemma of competitive perfection - as an insanity of fighting yourself out of existence.
Being scared is ok! Letting others know you're scared is ok! Connecting authentically and vulnerably because you're scared is ok!
If only this was understood as truly the moment of being seen for all the beauty of who we really are as Beings of Light in our Humanness.