Can You Really Give Unconditionally?

By James Stellar

As Autumn comes into view, the year is now quickly receding into the past. Yes, another year has almost gone completely by, seemingly faster than ever.
So as we come towards the year's end just how has your year gone?
  • Did you create what you wanted ?
  • Did you create with joy and amusement ?
  • Were you compassionate towards others ?
  • Were you giving unconditionally ?
  • Did you live with honesty ?
  • Did you stay in amusement ?
  • Did you remain in your Heart Affinity with love ?
  • Were you able to remain in your Spirit Nature Consciousness ?
These are just a few of the thoughts you may wish to review as you go through this Autumn time towards the end of the year. Yet one of the most interesting topics that I spend quite a bit of time communicating about is that of Giving Unconditionally.
It seems an easy enough sentence to hear, as I say it quite often. Yet one of the quickest expressions made during my sessions is someone complaining about all they've given in a relationship and how little they've received in return. It's quite a moment of listening to such a litany of complaints of how little they've received. Hmmmmm?!
So what is it with these complaining expressions that someone just doesn't feel they are getting enough? Just what is it?

Giving just to get

First and foremost, it's pointing out that the thoughts of giving are through a vibration of "getting" something in return. In essence, it's a "barter" system that's in place and not necessarily a vibration of giving from the heart.
"I'll give you this - but you better give me something back!"
Giving from the heart is one of the most satisfying vibrations, as the true joy of giving is from a place of greatest Heart Affinity. This means you are simply in the joy to give to someone and in essence it becomes the unconditional vibration of true hiving.
The purity of simply giving means you've let go of all agendas, all needs, all wants, and all discrepancies that you didn't get enough, and/or the fears that you will never get enough. You have let go of all need, want, lack and limitation.

So where does all this lack and limitation come from?

Unfortunately, somewhere in you is a deep set heart pain that you're holding onto, that you don't believe you are enough. Somewhere there is a deep set - "pain identity!" You are clenching so very tightly to a pain in your heart, that somehow you can't quite validate yourself simply as being ok and being enough - right now.
A pain identity means you are not enough in this moment and in essence nothing in life will ever feel as though it is truly enough. So many individuals walk through life never feeling as though they are enough, nor do they ever feel they have enough.
Somewhere in your reference of life, that may go all the way back to childhood and more to the point, go back through numerous lifetimes, there is an invalidation of identity that you're holding onto very tightly, that - you are not enough.
Lifetimes of competing to get to the next and the next level and be rewarded
with more and more and receiving an immensity of gifts and still you may not be enough in your heart just being you.
It's quite amusing to listen to so many individuals complaining over what they didn't get, or need more of and/or want others to "illusion heal" them in so many ways of getting more and more and more .... and yet find it so very hard to simply - give.
In fact, there are so many individuals who simply won't give unless they're
quite assured they will get something of equal value in return. There are others
who only will give to specific individuals, such as a lover or partner, but to almost no one else. Even more troubling are those individuals who give absolutely
nothing to anyone.
It's a troubling expression of life.
Yet possibly, even more than this are so many individuals who have just given up on life in one way or another. They simply don't want to do anything that
is an expression of giving. They live life in a complete non-giving vibration.
In one way or another, they simply refuse, cannot abide and insist on this vibration of non-giving. All in all, it's quite the tragedy of life.
Giving up on life in a non-giving expression that nothing is ever going to be - enough. Why give, if what you get back won't ever be enough?!

Unconditional giving

Unconditional giving means you are in an unconditional lovingness of you -
You Are Enough.
You are Giving simply because you are in such a loving vibration with yourself
that you feel validated by giving without any thought other than you are in the joy of life to simply give.
You are enough and have enough.
In essence, you are in an immense Heart Affinity for yourself -
You know you are enough and are willing to give enough.
You have let go of the competitive to understand you are enough and with
that comes a strength of heart in the willingness to give because you have enough love in your heart for you.
You are loving yourself right in that moment.
Think about this, as you walk down your life path that as you gift
yourself with unconditional love you vibrate into a place of being enough.
You are Enough in the Moment Now.
When you are enough in the moment, then you are vibrating in an immense
giving to yourself, which means it is so very easy to give to others unconditionally.
UNCONDITIONAL GIVING - it's quite an amazing vibration to hold for yourself to be in your Heart and to give unconditionally and to share that giving of love unconditionally with others.
You have truly become the gift of life now !
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When I first met James, close to 15 years ago - I was basically on the verge of manifesting something so extreme it would take me off this planet. I am not sure exactly what could have happened, It may have been an illness or an accident....but looking back I know something was right around the corner.
At the time that I met James and I was introduced to Spirit Nature - these are the things I was doing - every day:
  • driving aimlessly around Los Angeles and before that I drove even more aimlessly around San Francisco creating victim experiences on a daily basis Example: getting my car impounded because it had so many parking tickets on it and then leaving it in the impound because I could not afford to get it out and was afraid to ask anyone for help or money. Result: losing my car!
  • going to any and every doctor I could find to tell me "what was wrong with me" - in return piling up thousands of dollars of doctors bills.
  • not working, or pretending like I was working, but was really just wasting time.
  • not dating men mostly because I was stuck on and pining away for men that had already rejected me - again wasting time.
  • daydreaming and fantasizing and letting my mind wander to "the things I wanted" and "what could be '' instead of actually creating any of those things, I would just think about them! More wasting of time!
No one in my life really knew any of this was going on because I was so great at pretending and performing. I would put on such a show that I was the cool kid. My life has been somewhat of an anomaly in that I have always surrounded myself with people with immense levels of wealth and prosperity. I lived in the best places, took the best trips, had free tickets and free 5 star dinners, yet had 10 dollars in my own back account. I had more friends than anyone else I know, but always felt alone. I was young and beautiful and healthy, but always felt sick and unattractive. There was no balance. It was all fear.
Nothing was adding up. This went on and on and on and on... with slow changes and signs of spiritual growth...enough that would keep me going and surviving, but not until recently where I see the surviving can shift to thriving. Over the last few years, I have come so close to what I thought or the outside world would view as a "success'...I created my own business and produced a huge event that brought prosperity to my entire community...I was celebrated in the newspapers and press and considered a hometown hero.
Yet once again- the same lifelong theme hung around me. I still had 10 dollars in my bank account, I was still not dating and I was still being mean to myself with my negative thoughts...What the heck was going on...?! How could I create a million dollar company, but not be able to pay myself? How could I be celebrated and respected by so many other people, but not celebrate or respect myself?
Turns out...the big elephant in the room is that I was not being true to ME! Recently, I have been making some big shifts and letting some authentic things about myself leak out...I am dabbling in the realm of creativity, which is so scary because then you have to express yourself and someone else may find out who you really are.
The spiritual journey is NOT easy and it is also NOT linear. Over the last 15 years, I have worked with James on charts, body healings, symbology healings, mirror healings and phone healings. I have had to face myself on all my choices...things I have done to hold myself back and keep myself out of being truly authentic and in turn denying myself the freedom to just be happy.
I wanted to be validated from everyone else...the "outside world"...I wanted to be accepted and included and have the world make everything ok for me...I was more concerned about what everyone else was doing all the time - (as a huge distraction from my life) instead of creating what I really wanted. I could not see clearly until recently that in fact I am the one that makes the world safe for me. Maybe I blocked this out for so long because it's really freaking hard.. taking full responsibility for your own life and happiness.
During my spiritual roller coaster ride, I have had to dig so deep and hear things that are not the greatest things to hear about myself. But I now come to actually ask for and accept the harder things about myself because I WANT to know...I don't want to hide from what holds me back, I want to know it...then see it, and then grow from it. Because the more we hide from our "shit"...the more we just hurt ourselves.
How can you live in your "truth"...if you don't even know what that is? It has taken me a long time and countless, endless hours of sessions with James (his patience levels are off the charts by the way) to see parts of my truth...I have held myself back and dumbed myself down because I have been afraid people won't like the real me...and if I grow too much it will separate me from my "safe circle"...and also because I was afraid, or too apathetic to take full responsibility for myself.
I think the hardest thing for me recently is to forgive myself...I look back on time and see how much I could have changed along the way, and how I wish I had assimilated some information quicker because I would now be in a different place on my path...but that's another true lesson of spirit are where you are...RIGHT NOW. Forgive in the moment and all things can change. I will keep repeating, Spirit Nature is NOT easy...but it's beyond worth it.
But in doing this just a little bit, I have had some big changes...stay tuned on how that all plays out, but letting go of the fear and expectation of what others think of me and that I have to fix anyone else may let me finally create for just me.
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Thank You to this Spirit Nature Friend for sharing these great insights!