Here's the Reason You Have Conflict in Your Life.

By James Stellar


Recently, in working with so many of you and listening to the many topics being expressed, are the issues of relationship conflict(s) often brought to the forefront of the conversation. Hmmm, relationship conflict rather than relationship harmony seems to be more than a prevalent topic, even though so many claim to want harmony in their life and with their partner, but are creating the exact opposite.
What is interesting to note in so many sessions, are the justifications from many persons, for looping thoughts filled with negativity and blame towards present and past partners that are being consistently expressed. Emotional attachments of continuing negation towards others and the justifying of these negative thoughts towards them, have often been quite emotionally emphasized. An often consistent looping of negativity is that blame is a sure indicator that you are out of affinity and your Entourage is clearly in an attack mode promoting looping negativities. More importantly, you are unable to heal with this vibration, so that many of your other creations are also infected within this negativity loop from the past. You are unable to find an authentic gratitude for the moment and for shifting out of the emotional pain of your past. All of this is an indicator that past pain is continuing to remain energized in your heart and impacting you and your relationship creations to a very great degree in the present, which is quite the burden to live under.


The insight to looking at why you're continually creating these situations and why you're attaching such an emotional charge to them, is a guide to letting you know that you have invested in holding onto pain blames. You are unable to create a present time healing of forgiveness for yourself, regarding these and other issues, which points to quite a dense vibration remaining in your universe. Unfortunately competitive programming promotes a retention of pain, as a commonly held vibration, rather than looking towards authentically healing out of pain.


This is certainly a spiritual conundrum and points to a mental constriction of focusing to the negativity of relationship pains and problems, rather than a present time Forgiveness of Yourself for your past. This is quite a spiritual control on you, when being able to have an insight to spiritual forgiveness for who you were in the past can't be understood or altered. You are literally punishing yourself from a competitive outlook that can't see through the circumstances and vibration of who you once were. The vibration of forgiveness then, is the ability to see who you once were and the ability to see the growth of yourself into the present vibrating with greater heart insight. If you continue to looping on negativity, then a very rigid competitive vibration will impact you to remain in a pain of non-forgiveness. This is quite the spiritual insight that the vibration of forgiveness is identifying yourself in a healing heart vibration out of the past. You are synchronizing yourself to this moment by healing out of the past, which is altering your future with a positive mindset and overall vibration of positivity healing.


To begin with, what kind of personality are you? Simply put, are you a Conflictive Personality or a Compassionate Personality? Do you attach to an ongoing situation of competitive problems as a repetitive motive and mental looping of blame-filled conflict with partner, friends and yourself? Or are you able to look more clearly at who you are and your creations with an Insight of authentic honesty, responsibility and ownership? Can you identify, alter and heal any control loops of negativity that are wanting to control you out of affinity and keep you artificially stuck in a competitive programming of ongoing pain? Or do you continue on in the same old looping patterns of competitive negativity and blame? If you are continuing in these negatively dense vibrations, then you really are living in a very big ouch of diminished life!
Hopefully the Compassionate Personality stands out for you as a continuing Positive vibration, with an honest appraisal of yourself and your creations, focused with no blame to others. This simple, but vitally important Insight of vibrating in no blame is essential for taking spiritual steps into much higher frequency of Healing into Affinity. You are taking full responsibility for each and every thought, creation and relationship and the spiritual knowing that you and you alone create everything in your life.


Blame is such an interesting spiritual topic, as the need to "win" in situations of partnership, underlines the distortions of a competitive mindset overwhelming the affinity of the heart. This definitely points to an escalated channeling within your universe and an expression of pain, as a competitively programmed need to blaming others, no matter what the situation. Blame is such a commonly activated and energized action of competitively filled negativity, that indicates very clearly a retention of an intense heart pain from the past. It is pointing to an inability of forgiving yourself for past negative indentations in your life that are still "violently" held in your heart. The blame-filled individual is exhibiting a mind distorted by heart pain and the retention of a very deep shame held somewhere within the heart. This is a critical understanding that the expressions of blame are very clearly held within vibrations of shame in the heart. Shame means there is an immense control of non-forgiveness impacting your universe. This indicates that when blame shows up, it is definitely pointing to a lack and diminishing of authentic Heart Affinity. Shame and blame go hand in hand with a retention of heart pain from the past.


A key spiritual insight is that the Forgiveness is a vibration of looking at the competitive blame-filled past, the creations you have emphasized in your past and making Recognition of who you once were. In identifying who you once were, the competitive vibration of who you were then is a guide for vibrating differently in the present, in a much greater Heart Affinity for Yourself and others, meaning you are letting go of constrictions of blame and making present time recognition.


A Spirit Nature Insight of healing is that Heart Affinity gives a much greater perspective to include all sides of any conversation and connection, which is a step into Wisdom. This means an ability to become more neutral to examine all sides of an issue or relationship. The power of Heart Affinity indicates having a much greater perspective to the situations you've created and retaining a balance, by looking first and foremost at why you've created something in your life and what your role is in it. The first and foremost question I always ask in Spirit Nature sessions are, "Why did you create this?" By utilizing this Heart Insight is there a greater resonance of Healing that can occur through any given situation.



The competitive "need" to win situations, definitely points to an escalated spiritual imbalance, meaning the external situation has become so much greater than personal affinity and retaining a balance of perspective of Heart Affinity. This is quite the spiritual loss, when the external world has impacted an individual to such an extent and such a loss of affinity, that they always feel a need of "winning" and proving "they're right" and once again punishing others with blame, for how they are feeling.
One of the biggest Cosmic Jokes is that in always needing to prove, “You’re right,” you're actually proving how little information you're operating from, how much competitively confused pain you're really holding onto and how out of balance you are. This is essentially pointing to vibrating in an ongoing negativity of always being “wrong." Laughter please!
Think about this conundrum, that the blame to others is literally an imbalance of non-forgiving pain, that you really don't know who you are. This essentially points to an inability of attaining and retaining a much deeper insight and affinity for yourself no matter what is happening around you and also retaining a much greater Heart Clarity of Forgiveness to those events you once created.
When there is a loss of affinity over the need to "prove and win,” then the spiritual indicators are pointing to many heart and mind controls and imbalances in your universe. This definitely points to the vibration of "giving" as not an inherent value to who you are but as a mechanism of what is done for outcomes and rewards. Once again, this is quite the spiritual detrimental loss of "giving" in order to always get. It is a definite imbalance and probably one of the more defining indicators of an overly pained individual, inherently vibrating in the need to "win" by never authentically giving, unless it benefits them in some way. This definitely indicates a very pained person and a very pained life. It's also an indicator of a narrowly constricted mental stability let alone a diminished heart vibration, holding onto an immense amount of invalidations and ever increasing pain. In essence, life has simply become a "pain game".


Amusingly enough, the competitive individual, unable to maintain an affinity through a gift of giving, does immediately indicate the "warrior" personality who has known many lifetimes as a "warrior" both on and off the battlefield. This competitive warrior/conflicting personality, may have no overt connection to the military in this lifetime, but exhibits many of the warrior attributes in how they're creating their life. Continual need, want, an argumentative stance and a fear basis comprising immense heart invalidations are all promoting this "fight club" addiction to always "be the best.”
The underlying stress condition of this personality, is to always be in a continual "fight of life" competition with others. In essence, it is always being in a "fight club" with everyone as a part of the overriding competitive conflict as not only a very narrowed belief system, but a very limited amount of information that can be accessed, let alone utilized. The themes of forgiving and giving unconditionally then, are completely tossed out the window in this competitive "warrior" vibration.
The warrior vibration also points to a conflictive personality, as one who manifests a great many conflicts, even simply as ongoing mental ones, in a continuing looping definition of who they are and what they're creating in life. It is as though the need for problems and the "winning" of these problems and conflicts is how they inherently live in this competitive vibration. It as always proving to others how well they're doing and all the great things being created, whether there is any truth to these expressive statements or not. Often there is not much authentic creativity to substantiate the "warrior boasting,” which is once again a "cardboard cutout" of life. Laughter please! (Once again!)
Essentially, this competitive warrior vibration, is in someway defining an importance to the "winning" moment as an overriding life control, not the "Forgiving Moment" or the "Giving Moment". This means a life lived through the externalized nature of always looking to competitively "win" the moment in some way, which is quite a narrowly pained vision of life and unfortunately quite a prevalent vibration around the world. It is amusing to write this and think to the many individuals who ask for Spirit Nature communication and healing, simply as a resource for "winning" their relationships as well as satiating their competitive needs of "winning the moments" of life.
Yes, the warrior vibration is one in which "need" is the overriding vibration negating affinity, and also keeping an ongoing life vision of fear that nothing is ever quite good enough as an overriding life control. Fear of not being the best, of needing the best, of showing off to others as the best and blaming others in their proof that they are somehow the “best," points to a massive life invalidation of competitive controls upon these competitive warrior individuals lifetime after lifetime.
All of this unfortunately points to an intensified pain within that person's universe, which makes Truth so very difficult to come by, and blame a quick assertion and expression towards others. Competitive vibrations put an edge to life, within a complexity of thoughts, emotions and actions in an overriding vibration of never resolved conflicts. Fear, need, insatiable wants, never-ending desires for more, conflictive attachments, proving, invalidating, punishing and blaming others, are all assertions of a competitively based vibration of the "warrior" personality. It is a very dense and pain-filled vibration to maintain day in and day out, let alone lifetime after lifetime, looping around in the same competitive pain mix and with the final caveat of always, but always - blaming others. Whatever is not achieved or gained is always fashioned as a punishment of blame towards others as an intensified part of the "warrior" personality.


Honesty, trust, clarity, compassion, giving and the vibration of love, are all conditions which are needing to be learned in a reprogramming into a healing vibration of Affinity, for the competitively "warrior winning" addicted personality. To achieve a compassionate loving vibration takes quite a bit of focus and assistance to shift into a much higher frequency of heart love.
First and foremost in all of this, is the deep spiritual insight that nothing is greater than you in this Apex-oriented world. This is quite the spiritual step and immediately relieves the binds of a very closed competitive vibration. The instant you acknowledge being "OK" in any moment, you start an integration of Affinity of the Heart over and to the mind. This is the nature of learning a Loving Vibration as a major Healing step into consciousness. The Spiritual Key in all of this is letting go of the intensified loopings of competitive disbelief in yourself to know you are enough.
You are enough, just the way you are, is quite the Spirit Nature insight into heart healing.
You Are Enough - let go of proving anything.
You Create Everything in Your Life - no blame to others.
Be the Gift of Life - Compassion for all with unconditional Giving.